Deconstructed Psyche (2022)
I created a series of abstract paintings as a way to deconstruct the Kuwaiti womens’ psyche by practicing a form of intuitive painting. This way of intuitive painting was inspired by the weavers of Sadu, an embroidery of geometric shapes hand woven by Bedouin people. Their way of creating a piece of Sadu was completely innate and a meditative experience, which I has tried to emulate in this body of work. The use of meditation and intuition play a guiding force in her work as the emphasis the importance of intuition within the human psyche and the importance of listening to oneself. By growing up in Kuwait, I has recognized that a lot of aspects of many women’s life’s choices and decision are up for deliberation and constant scrutiny. From choices of marriage and family to ownership over ones body and time. My work is an approach of taking back that voice and choice and use this practice of instinct to guide every artistic process; from brush strokes to color choice and so on. This way of painting becomes a meditative experience as I was able to transcend my environment and allow myself to embrace every possibility and to give the viewer that same feeling of wonder and freedom.
These painting were exhibited in May 2022 in the Contemporary Art Platform in Kuwait.
All pieces have sold.